Advanced 10 Minute Metabolism Conditioning Workout


Advanced 10 Minute Metabolism Conditioning Workout

For full effect, you should all go through workgroups, but keep in mind that this is a very advanced method of training and he can catch up with you quickly. I recommend holding and, perhaps, adding more comfort the first time. This is for advanced practitioners who don't mind working hard.


See your doctor before trying this exercise if you have any injuries, illnesses, or other conditions.

Required Equipment

Different weight dumbbells, and kettlebell (optional).


Heart rate of moderate intensity for 3-5 minutes.

Recommended workout

Circuit Pattern: Perform each exercise for 30 seconds, one at a time with 10 seconds of rest between exercises. Repeat the circuit up to 3 times, depending on your time, fitness level, and goals.

2 - Burpees


Squat and put your hands on the floor. In an explosive motion, jump the feet back into the push-up position, jump the feet back between the hands and stand up. Add another jump at the end for more intensity. Repeat for 30 seconds, working as hard as you can.

Reps / Sets / Duration:

30 seconds.

Density change:

Walk the two feet as a modification, adding the jump for more intensity .

3 - squat with an overhead press

Advanced 10 Minute Metabolism Conditioning Workout


Squat and put your hands on the floor. In an explosive motion, jump the feet back into the push-up position, jump the feet back between the hands and stand up. Add another jump at the end for more intensity. Repeat for 30 seconds, working as hard as you can.

Reps / Sets / Duration:

30 seconds.

Density change:

Walk the two feet as a modification, adding the jump for more intensity.

3 - squat with an overhead press
Advanced 10 Minute Metabolism Conditioning Workout


In the push-up position, turn the knees in and out as fast as you can, switching limbs. Touch the toes to the floor with each run or keep them in the air. Repeat for 30 seconds, working as hard as you can.

Reps / Sets / Duration:

30 seconds.

Density change:

Walking knees instead of standing for adjustment.

5 - squat jumps

Put the hands behind the head, out. Bend the knees into a squat, knees behind the toes and torso leaning forward slightly. Jump as high as you can, and land with soft knees in a squat. Repeat for 30 seconds, working as hard as you can.

Reps / Sets / Duration:
30 seconds.

Density change:
Take out the jump to lower the intensity.

6 - Plyo Lunge

Advanced 10 Minute Metabolism Conditioning Workout

Begin in a lunge position, right foot forward, left foot back, both knees at a 90-degree angle. Jump and switch feet in the air, landing in a lunge with left foot forward, right foot back. Repeat for 30 seconds, working as hard as you can.

Reps / Sets / Duration:
30 seconds on each side.

Density change:
Take out the jump or make the jump small, without switching legs.

7 - bear crawling

Advanced 10 Minute Metabolism Conditioning Workout

Sit on the floor and walk your hands until you are in a plank position. Do a pushup on the knees or toes and then pass the hands into a squat and standing. Add a jump at the end for more intensity. Repeat for 30 seconds, working as hard as you can.

Reps / Sets / Duration:
30 seconds.

Density change:
Exit the pushup for lower intensity, adding a jump for more intensity.

8 - Pushups with side panels

Advanced 10 Minute Metabolism Conditioning Workout

In a pushup position, with hands close to each other, do a triceps pushup. As you push up, rotate left, right arm pointing up into a side plank. Rotate again for another pushup, then do a side plank on the other side. Repeat, switching sides for 60 seconds.

Reps / Sets / Duration:
30 seconds.

Density change:
Do move on the knees to adjust.

9 - Turning lunge with sweep Kettlebell

Advanced 10 Minute Metabolism Conditioning Workout

Start with feet wider than the hips, kettlebell or weight in the right hand. Moves and turns the body to the right and lower in a lunge . When you hit the back, lift the weight up and over the head as you rotate forward. Switch hands and pivot to the left, lowering the lunge and lowering the weight. Continue alternating sides while swinging the weight up (if you're ahead, throw the weight on the other hand at the top of the movement) for 30 seconds, working as hard as you can.

Reps / Sets / Duration:
30 seconds.
Density change:
Take out the weight or keep the shallow shallow for adjustment.

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